Monday, 15 October 2012

3rd year yang 'seronok' !

Asslamualaikum wbt..

masuk hari ni dah hampir 2 minggu aku belajar untuk session 2012/2013. *orang lain dah masuk minggu keempat. haha :D

3rd year is the challenging year.

senior kata, dalam 6 tahun belajar ni. tahun ni lah tahun yang paling tough sekali. maybe sebab tahun akhir belajar teori. lagipun semua subjek baru and susah-susah. wuaaaaa T_T

Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology dan Parasitology. 4 subjek baru. padahal, awal-awal ni baru belajar yang general, tu pun dah banyak yang sangkut sana sini. seriously i really have to work double or maybe triple !! setakat ni yang agak susah nak faham, Pharmaco kot. sebab banyak sangat-sangat belajar drugs yang namanya pun terbelit lidah nak sebut plus banyak kena ingat balik pelajaran time first and second year.
*tu laa, bayak lagi makan semut, kan dah lupa semua T_T

Yang 3 lagi pun tak kurang hebatnya jugak ! banyak dan quite confusing. ibarat kata doctor, "tahun ni lah baru awak rasa macam betul-betul akan jadi doctor". Agree ! sebab banyak dealing dengan penyakit dan drugs.

Apa-apa pun alhamdulilah..syukur, dah selamat naik tahun 3, so tinggal 3 tahun lagilah nak pegang ijazah sarjana muda. harap-harap 'alattul' lah bak kata orang arab. *means, takde sangkut kata mana-mana. insyaAllah..

chill je !

No more nokia c7. say Goodbye :|


Lepas balik dari Malaysia hari tu, tak sempat-sempat nak update blog.*walaupun takde orang baca. haha :D


Sedih. sedih betul. hand phoneku rosak. lepas almost 2 tahun pakai, nokia c7 ku melabuhkan tirainya.

  sedih :'( 

hari tu, aku pergi Nokia Centre dekat dengan Fathallah, tempat kami beli-beli barang *ala-alaa supermarket lah* sebab nak check c7 tu. orang nokia tu cakap kalau nak repair, kena tukar CPU handphone. terkejut den bila dia cakap boleh kena charge sampai LE 1000 ! = rm 500. baik beli phone baru macam ni. huh. satu hal pulak.. duit pun ibarat hidup segan mati tak mahu. err

so, next plan is..

tunggu jelah duit jatuh dari langit.

*agak-agak boleh dapat tak ? blankkkk -_____-

takpelah, ada rezeki nanti adalah tu. yang penting nak settle kan yuran 3rd year ni. nak dapat buku.. jealous tengok orang lain dah ada buku sendiri. Moga Allah permudahkan. aminn...

-no mood-


Friday, 5 October 2012

let the pictures speak..

Assalamualaikum wbt ..

hometown is always the best place. I Love Malaysia. till we meet again :' )


Hello Egypt, we meet again !

:) another 4 years to go -- Medical Doctor insyaAllah (:

" success is no accident, it is hard work,  perseverance,
learning , studying, sacrifice, and most of all.

love of what you are doing  or  learning to do."


okay nak balik dah rupanya,

Assalamualaikum ..

okay, cuti dah nak habis. barang-barang tak habis packing lagi. mood tak tahu lah. separuh sedih separuh gembira mengenangkan tempat nun jauh lagi dikenang.. handphone pulak buat hal, haih dugaan hujung cuti..
*ada can ni nak cekau iphone 5 satu. ekekekeke : B tapi duit pulak problem..

- mood belajar cepatlah datang. cepatlahh. tolonglahh -

nahh. welcome back to school song : D

packing time ! -

Thursday, 4 October 2012

good bye Malaysia..

Asslamualaikum peeps :)

say..what ????

the awesome holidays almost end ...

oh ,mann.. :(

yes, I'm gonna say I'm sad tough I feel quite excited to come back to school. 

It's been almost 75 days since I touched down in Kuala Lumpur on last 23rd of July. Today is fourth day of October and I'm gonna fly back to Egypt on this coming 7th October 2012. yup. there's no much time left. 

Currently, I was pretty busy with some stuff that I need to settle down before leaving Malaysia. Buy thing and all the thingsss to be brought together to get there like the 'rempah ratus' thingy, curry powder, some nasi goreng's instants, santan and quite other many things. Since we can't find it there in Egypt, so we bring from home just to full-fill the 'wish of guts'. ekekeke. :D some of my friends ask :

"Why, can't you just buy the food there umm maybe at the fast food restaurant or like 'mamak' there ?

I say No or maybe once a while. We prefer to cook tough there's a time when I feel like it's a burdensome somehow.:D  but ey,cooking isn't that hard and I found it was quite fun !

Besides, I might say that the foods there aren't that tasty like Malaysian foods but yet still could be eaten if like we have some sort of mogok dapur when the gas is empty but we can't replace with the new full-tank gas.
*betui..susah betul nak tukar dengan yang baru.nasib baiklah tuan rumah baik.ehee :D*

cook well--eat heavenly--gain weight. haha ! *menangis T_T

conclusion : ntah -.-"

ok, back to point, I will leave Malaysia on 7th October by Egyptair aircraft at 10.00 pm after 77 days summer-break-holidays. Back to continue in 3rd year of Medical school, Tanta University, Egypt. Please pray to Allah that our study will be bless by Him with His merciful. insyaAllah :) 

-bring back the mood to start off another journey of medichood !-

don't you think the hand was a lil bit like pondan? haha :D

focus !
